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Our story.
from blog to business.
It's 2019.
A first year English student starts a blog.
A tale as old as time.

Matriarch began as a blog created by Ria before quickly flourishing into an Instagram platform, which created content on topics ranging from body image to self-love. Ria continued to create educational content for the platform, utilising her degree, knowledge, and lived experience to platform content around race, colonialism, and other societal concepts.
Realising that Matriarch was and could be more than a solo blog, Ria onboarded volunteers from across the UK in 2021 to help run the platform and create content. She also expanded the blog into an open space whereby members of the Matriarch community could pitch and write their own blog posts. This mixture of lived experience, vulnerability, openness, and education proved popular and continues to this day.
We knew our impact could be greater.
2022. Enter MatriarchLtd.
After utilising Matriarch to host educational anti-racist content in 2020, Ria felt we could make a greater impact in helping to develop an anti-racist culture in the UK. In 2022, Ria launched ‘MatriarchLtd.’; a business creating game-changing racial inclusion work. Through workshops, talks, and roundtable and panel events, Ria connected with a range of clients in schools, charities, and businesses, empowering them with anti-racist skill sets which would enable them to be more inclusive.
Within a year, Ria had worked with multiple schools and corporations such as FTI, Verizon, Powerscourt and Amazon.
1 year of disruptive racial inclusion work.
The reason we entered the DEI space was because we weren't satisfied with the work we were seeing. We wanted to do it in the way we knew it needed to be done - with a new candor.
For Ria, disrupting the DEI industry meant doing what others are scared to do - having hard conversations that don’t please people with privilege but do justice to those experiencing discrimination. This is a much harder thing.
MatriarchLtd. was all about embracing discomfort, as change doesn't happen in our comfort zones.
Sounds scary, right?
Luckily, Ria’s sleek style of making these conversations accessible meant no one was alienated. Instead, she left people feeling empowered and confident with knowledge and skills. We wrote and developed all our own original content, providing that perfect balance between interaction, learning and impact.
Spreading Matriarch Magic beyond DEI.
MatriarchLtd. had an incredibly successful first year working with 10 clients across different industries, repeat work and stellar testimonials. We build and sold out a virtual DEI basics course, built out a 6 part programme for the foundations of DEI, spoke at events and even on the radio! We were achieving what we set out to do. Yet internally, we noticed a distinct, unwanted split between Matriarch, the social platform and MatriarchLtd., the business. The former focused on every taboo topic, from sex to grief. And the latter exclusively focused on DEI.
The overall Matriarch brand was all about inclusivity and learning - so how could we bring those back together?
Simple. Widen the topic range of our game-changing sessions.
It was clear to us that there was an epidemic of preparedness, people reaching their 20's having no clue how to navigate adult life. This was a huge reason people loved Matriarch because it dealt with the common topics and issues we all faced but didn't talk about. So we decided to take it a step further. We took what we do well - game-changing sessions - and combined it with the topics people needed support with. A life education outside of education.
Every post, workshop, blog, conversation and connection is in some way to make people feel included. We all want to be a part of something, we all want to feel seen, heard and represented.
This is what the Matriarch brand is all about and through our game-changing products and inclusive content, we intend to create equality by closing the accessibility gap. Read our full theory below.
We are Matriarch -
the brand built to include.
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